what violation did you break..
I was on a suspended sentence for assault.Just quickly(so members on here don't think I'm an asshole),My mum tried to commit suicide a while back.I was in the city as i had a gig to do.Next door to the venue i was playing at(Barcode Nightclub) this guy was getting kicked out of the strip joint.While he was out the front,he was cursing at the bouncers calling them ni**ers and coconuts etc.I actually tried to help the [BadWord] by telling him to "chill out..you're gonna get bashed etc".What does this dick head do??He spits in my face literally.I wipe the spit from my face and just stare at this prick.He then goes into a drunken rant about fuck me, fuck my family ,my mother etc.
I snapped.This is written word for word in the court document(continued on):
The defendant,then proceeded to punch the victim twice with a closed fist.The victim fell to his knees and the defendant then drove his knee up into the victims face,once.While on the ground,the defendant then got on one knee,held the victim by the hair and proceeded to punch him three times in the face with a closed fist.Then the defendant got up and began kicking the victim four times,hard.
Sounds bad right?What the summary,statement etc(forgotten the legal term for the document)left out was,after i hit him the first few times,he stumbled,regained balance and threw a punch to the left side of my face.I ducked it and that's when he fell to his knees.While on his knees,I admit,I did knee him.After that though,I tried to walk away,but he attempted to grab my balls!!!So that's when i got down on my knee and gave him a few more.I must say,i should have stopped there,but i got up and stomped him a bit.
I went over the top and i admit that.
So back to how i broke my last 6 weeks of parole:I went out with my mates to the city and got a little intoxicated.It was like 3 in the morning and i just wanted to get home and type on this board

.The cops pull us over and I'm blind as a bat.Apparently,i was uncooperative and resisted arrest when thy tried to get me for D and D(Drunk and disorderly)Boom.I do the standard 6 hour sobering off period when this [BadWord] cop informs me that I've fucked up and the Sheriffs department is coming to take me in..PLUS take some of my belongings to match some outstanding fines i apparently have.