I'll probably keep changing my mind the more I read everyone's arguments here. Right now I'm feeling that the way the league was set up last year was good.

I remember last year there were complaints when a relief pitcher scored 20 or so points in one day because that seemed ridiculous. But relievers also have the chance to destroy you by just as much each day. They are so inconsistent in usually one inning per outing that it magnifies everything they do.

I would agree about getting rid of the loss category, or maybe changing it to -3 or -4 instead of -6, but then that would change the way we look at relievers as well.

If you change the stats, it will also change the points scored by players in the player list section right? So maybe if you changed the things we are discussing temporarily we could see how those changes would have affected the players stats last year.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes