I don't want to start a "liberal-conservative" food fight here, but yesterday I heard McCain repeat a phrase you hear GOP candidates saying all the time, namely "We do'nt want a return to the failed policies of the Democrats." My question is what
"failed policies?" In the '60's we passed Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, the beginnings of the EPA which Nixon ratified, COLA adjustments to Social Security and
the Freedom of Information Act. Does anyone really think these are "failed policies?"
Obviouly Vietnam was a "failed policy" but that was a bipartisan
The next Democrat in office was Carter, who as far as I can tell
had no policies which screwed us domestically, although he did the right things with Egypt and Israel, the Panama Canal and emphasis on human rights. After him was Clinton who balanced the budget and had solid domestic and foreign policies.
So when the right talks about the "failed policies of the past," what exactly are they talking about?