I don't hate Hillary, either. I just think she will unify the Republicans and, if the nominee, will be tougher for the Dems to beat a very mediocre Republican nominee. Many Ohio Republicans switched to vote as independent on Tuesday for Hillary, so they could try to get her as the Dem's nominee.

Back to my earlier point re: McCain's age, I did not mean it as a putdown per se. But I would not, will not, and have not voted for somebody that old to be president. In addition to the physical problems that Sicilian Babe mentioned, there are serious worries about his mind slipping.

I hope McCain does many photo ops and links himself more publicly to George Bush. That can only help whoever the Democratic nominee ends up to be.

A comedian I heard on the way to work had a funny dig on McCain: "Tell us what is was like to actually sign the Declaration of Independence for our country."