Well I'm back!! Out 8 days early.
Prison was definitely an experience and mostly in a good way.Mkaes you realize things!!!!!!! Luckily for me, i had my manger and my friends handle all my music via Phone calls and through my Myspace.
Lets see where to begin? First day in there was a bit depressing. I had to see a prison psychologist to make sure i was able to stand my time in there. The main thing that gets to you is BOREDOM. Killing time is the hardest thing to do. I was put into a prison program where we had to call up people asking them to donate money to the heart foundation, Red Cross etc. So basically telemarketing. That took up some time during the day. My "Bunker" Aaron, (Aussie slang for Cell mate) was a cool dude. Completely different walks of life, but we got along O.K. He was mostly off doing drug and alcohol programs etc. I find it funny that on T.V, you hear people say Prisons these days are like hotels etc. That's bullshit. It's no place to be in. You literally feel like a fucking caged animal and think about it, I was only in there for 2 and half weeks. Thank god my parole was nearly over when i violated it. Thank God. I really feel for some of the inmates in there serving Life sentences or even 6 months!!!!
I never really settled in. I kept in constant contact with my friends and my manager and they kept me up to date on a daily basis. I was in Division Fb. Pretty much the division for a bunch of petty criminals with no "prison respect". It wasn't minimum security funny enough. I guess cause I was in there for assault and so was half the division, I think the "screws" (Prison Guards) all think we're going to flip out and start bashing each other.
There we're times out in the yard, where you would be mixed in "general population" in a certain fenced off section, where all the harder criminals were. I heard heaps of stories like "see that guy over there, he shot such and such and what's his face". Or "that guy there, ran through a whore house, stabbed a hooker then torched it to the ground etc etc".
Some of the stories were entertaining as hell, but a lot of it was exaggerated Bullshit to build up a persons rep.
Now, I know all you are wondering about prison rape etc. Honestly, I only got fucked once without my consent...haha KIDDING!!!
I didn't see anything of the sort or even hear about that kind of thing. Aaron said that that shit rarely happens these days. I'm glad I'm not in there to stick around and find out. There were some crazy looking Mothers in there though, But i never felt scared for my safety. I'm not a small guy and I know how to defend myself. I did see a fight, but no stabbings.
Racism runs rampant in prison. I've never heard so much racism in all of my life. I hung out with all different types of people, but there was different crews, ALL of them based on race. I met one Guy "Mr. Raso" who was supposedly a Mafioso, but he bragged on so much it seemed so fake. But i just smiled and laughed nodding my head. Cigarettes are not passed around like contraband. Everyone had plenty of smokes and I had 3 Cartons and still have plenty left over. We showered as small groups and that was a bit weird to get used to. But after you do it the first time, your over it. Oh and they literally had soap on a rope!!! Hahaha. Don't drop the soap jokes were said every time with out fail.
It's good to be home and it was good to realize I had friends who could handle all my music shit.
I pray I never go back there. It's nothing like T.V. It's worse in some aspects and better in others.
I better stand up now, my ass is still a bit tender.
I did a short I.T course in there too. Just to kill more time. I can't stress this enough, BOREDOM is the real punishment.