Breaking up is extremely tough. Before I met my wife, I was seeing someone for 2 ½ years. We had broken up temporarily a couple of times during that period. I finally ended it and then started to regret it. I felt terrible for months. But the best thing you can do is talk about it. Doesn’t matter if it’s your friends, family, a professional counselor, whomever. The key is getting your feelings out and having someone be able to listen to you. Like SB said, don't be afraid to grieve. It's healthy and healing.
Let me tell you from experience: you’re only making it harder on yourself if you still see the person you broke up with. Don’t trick yourself with the “let’s be friends b.s.” If you weren’t friends before you dated, there is no reason to be friends afterward. That bridge was irrevocably crossed and the friendship will NEVER be the same as it was after dating. I’m not saying be a jerk to that person, but I strongly advocate cutting off all contact. It sounds simple, but out-of-sight, out-of-mind will eventually help.
There is going to be a period where it seems like nothing goes right. For awhile, you’ll always get caught at a red light, miss the bus, something you like will break, constantly getting caught in a downpour, etc. It seems like nothing will go in your favor. But THAT EVENTUALLY ENDS! One day, your mind will finally say “Enough wallowing. I’m ready to move on.”
Don't make things worse by envisioning her with someone else - you'll drive yourself nuts. In addition, it's unnecessary because you're wasting your time on something that you can't control and will not make you feel any better. There's no upside in that kind of thinking.
It’s not an easy road, but many of us have been there. Hang in there – it will get better, as hard as that might be to believe right now.