Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Some new poll claims that 20% of Democrats will defect to McCain if their candidate doesn't win the nomination.

Now, I understand why Obama supporters would defect if Hillary pulled a Ric Flair and stole the nomination from him. They would feel like the black Democrats would after the Clintons threw them under the bus.

But why Hillary supporters defect?

Some, not all by any means, would not vote for a black candidate. Plenty would go to McCain due to racial bias against Obama, but few would have the stones to admit it. They'll use just about any excuse such as the preacher flap, his middle name, etc.

No person with an ounce of intelligence should decry that Obama is a Muslim after the controversy with his Christian preacher.

Why anyone would vote for Bush's puppet in terms of the economic and war policies is beyond me. How can we take a risk on a 2nd president within the generation (Reagan being the 1st) who might get Alzheimers? I wouldn't vote any 72 year old for president, which is the age McCain would be when taking office, regardless of their political party.