[YTD] - Year to date points [LN] - Points last night
4/2/08 (official)
[YTD] [LN]
JL 178 55 Big night hurt by Lyon (-19)
JG 174 50 (Batman theme) Berk-MAN (16) duh nuh nuh...
CG 167 42 Thome (-2) not his homey
FC 142 19 Hoffman (-21)
AP 139 57 Decent pitching night
TM 132 23 No standouts
DB 116 59 First save of the year... Whoo hoo!
BL 115 58 Sizemore (11)
GB 111 38 Hamels (17) in loss
BR 87 43 Reyes (-22)
BB 77 32 Phillips (9)
Last edited by Don Sicilia; 04/03/0809:37 AM. Reason: Official Scores
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes