First of all this is a tempest in a teapot. There should be no religious test in this country for public office.

Having been raised a Catholic, sent to Catholic Schools through 12th Grade, and having raised my children Catholic I am admittedly somewhat lapsed these days, but if someone asks me whay my religion is, I will say Catholic. SOmeone please Google Father Coughlin from the 30's and see what hate speech he engaged in over the radio. Read the history of Church complicity with the Nazi's and fascists in WWII. IN the pre Vatican II era, when I was a child I was told it was a mortal sin punishable by being sent to hell to attend any church service of any religion that was not Catholic. Look at statements made in the past few election cycles by priests and bishops regarding telling their flocks that it is a sin to vote for anyone who does not oppose abortion. Look at what all those priests did to young boys and how it was covered up. SHould I walk out on the church? Should all Catholics? OF course not.
You take the good with the bad in any religion.

I am not defending what Obama's minister siad, however the loops they are running are sometimes out of context and are rather brief for someone who has been in the pulpit for 30 years.

As for many of his comments about America, consider his age. Read about the garbage collectors strike in Memphis where MLK was murdered and what went on. The fact is the US has been a racist country.

The fact also is that the US is not always in the right. As Martin Luther King himself said, the greatest threat to world peace is the Inited States. Should we disavow his other works for having said this?

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."