[YTD] - Year to date points
[LN] - Points last night

4/4/08 (official)
       [YTD]   [LN]
JL	239	32 All Offense, Owings (30) benched
CG	226	56 Hiroki Kuroda (27)
FC	223	46 Chase Utley (15)
GB	211	49 Fielder (10), Kinsler (9)
DB	193	44 Carlos Peña (10), Isringhausen (9) 
BL	187	38 Bill Hall (17) benched
JG	185	 1 Almost a "pointless" day!
AP	180	35 Willingham (9), Marcum (24) benched
TM	171	32 Joe Nathan (8)
BB	159	24 Not much to speak of
BR	159	19 Jermaine Dye (7)

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes