[YTD] - Year to date points
[LN] - Points last night

4/5/08 (official)
       [YTD]   [LN]
FC  	318  	95 Webb (25), Carlos Lee (12) part of big day 
JL 	272 	33 Percival (9), Hanley Ramírez (8)
GB 	266 	55 Chris Young (14), Cordero (10)
CG 	258 	32 Derrek Lee (13)
BL 	241 	54 Jered Weaver (31)
JG 	238 	53 Peavy (39) brilliant
DB 	237 	44 Gagne (9)
BB 	207 	48 Wainwright (21)
TM 	202 	31 Nathan (8), Francoeur (8)
AP 	178 	-2 RP's (-16)
BR 	170 	11 Batista (-8) nearly cancels out Dye (9)

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes