Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
 Originally Posted By: ap_capone48101
That was such a bullshit penalty. Liverpool gets every break in Europe. Tired of it.

I'm so angry and like depressed. I thought for sure we won it when Theo made his run and set up Ade. This just sucks.

And the worst part is now we all have to suffer through another Chelsea Liverpool borefest.

I thought it was a penalty, but some refs may have let it go..

Wegner was moaning about the penalty, but he should remember that they lost by 2 goals.

"you should change you avater profile now cause ya not ganna win the double".
You obiviously didnt watch the game. Furst, that was such a dive but whatever. Second, they only won buy two goals beacuse at the end we had to puty everyone forward trying to get the tying goal. So their fourth dont mean shit. We where 7 mins away from going through he they got that bs penalty. The ref's just need to be consistent. Thats all I want. If he didnt call it I wouldnt have had a problem because the one last week wasnt.