Commissioner's Note Everyone on here I think already knows my trade policy. I will generally approve all trades unless I know there's collusion or I'm convinced that there's been a mistake involved. Also, the following is the schedule of when trades are effected and the new players show up on your rosters:
Day 0 - Trade agreement is reached between the two players and it shows up on Yahoo. Day 1 - Trade is approved. Day 2 - New players appear on your roster.
In the case of the recent trade between BL and JG, Day 0 is today (4/16). I'll approve it tomorrow (4/17). The new players show up on their rosters the day after (4/18).
The one day lag between when a trade is accepted and the trade is approved by me is to give me time to see the trade. In case I don't see it right away (i.e. I don't see it until Day 1 instead of Day 0), I'll approve the trade right away.