Mario Puzo was born in Hell's Kitchen in New York on Oct. 15/1920. His parents were from Naples, Italy. As far as I know Puzo did not have any Mob ties and his work was all a result of intensive research. Puzo himself has declared that his portrayal of the Mafia is a heavily romanticized one and differs with the real thing. On his supposed Mob ties Puzo said in a AP interview in '96 "Where would I have time to be in the Mafia? I starved before the success of The Godfather. If I was in the Mafia I would have made enough money so I wouldn't have to write." Aside from this, Puzo was a rather stocky man who loved food, gambling and cigars. He could be mistaken for a Mobster or associate based on his appearance but the fact that all his work was based on research alone shows his genius.