Hey guys!! I missed talking to all of you!

Bethie, thanks so much for watching Luke. My friend is furious with the Astros for not only trading her man but also giving him the traditional post-Astros blessing to do better than he did with us. haha

I just recently finished up finals, so now I'm out for the summer and done with my first year of college. Things are a lot less busy now, so I hope to have more time for baseball and for the BB!

I've hardly even kept up with the Astros, so I've unfortunately been completely out of the loop with general baseball happenings. I really appreciate the invites, but I think I'll just keep a close eye on you guys to make sure you behave. wink

TM, so are you doing weekly here and daily in another group? Daily was always so hard for people to keep up with and stay dedicated to, but I think I'd like the style better. Hey, either way, it's a chance to whine and trash talk about baseball, which is always good.