       [YTD]   [LN]
JL  	2552  	39 Bedard (-24) nearly cancels out Saunders (28)
FC 	2533 	42 Pettitte (21), Does FC ever have a bad pitching day?
BB^ 	2378 	95 Hunter "The Munster" Pence (12) blasts two homers
JG 	2373 	55 MLB's most beautiful name, Uggla (9) hit's another HR
GB 	2301 	56 Bradley (9), McLouth (8)
CG 	2206 	97 Halladay (36) leads huge day for pitching staff
DB 	2055 	43 Castillo (7) hits HR for the power juggernaut Giants
BL 	1984 	23 Over half of points come from the Grady Bunch (13)
TM 	1794 	33 Byrnes (9) coming out of slump?
BR 	1771 	16 Holliday (7) half of offense.
AP 	1684   -19 Pitching staff gives AP big owie.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes