[YTD] [LN]
JL 2675 89 Adrian Gonzalez (13), Quentin (15)
FC 2630 57 Lee (12), Harang (18)
JG^ 2498 105 Gregg, Saito combine for 35 pts in relief!
BB 2453 39 Brandon Phillips (14)
GB 2373 14 Chris Young (13)
CG 2282 31 Jose Contreras (25)
DB 2175 43 Carlos Pena (11) proving last year was no fluke?
BL 2113 63 Sabathia (17) without a win again.
TM 1880 67 McGowan (24), Byrnes (12)
BR 1856 80 Cook (33) (GS total about 30 more than everyone else)
AP 1752 34 Jorge Cantu (21) benched in double header.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes