[YTD] [LN]
JL 2850 45 Feeling Randy (17)
FC 2790 19 Harang (-17) has bad outing
JG 2678 36 Just misses out on Campillo's 22 point outing
BB 2617 35 Pujols (8)
GB 2510 20 Bay (11)
CG 2451 30 Buchholz (-9) has infinite ERA for the night
DB 2302 18 10 of 18 from Nady
BL 2265 33 Welcome to the team, D. Wright (15)
BR 2014 17 Watch your DLs
AP^ 1972 23 Teixeira (12) leads the way
TM 1969 14 Glad he benched Penny (-15)