1)It was wrong, as suggested above, because it violated the rights of Americans not to be cannon fodder for American politicians.

In what document is that right found?

2) It was wrong because it was not our business to pick up the colonial mantle dropped in 1954 by the defeated French.

Doesn't the US Congress through its law-making and appropriations process determine what is this Nation's business?

3) It was wrong because savagely bombing people on the other side of the world who were no threat to us was wrong.

They were a threat to the people of South Vietnam (Viet Minh) and Laos (Pathert Lao).

4) None of that was changed by the fact that North Vietnamese imposed an abominable dictatorship when the United States left. As a matter of fact, had we stayed out, South Vietnam would very likely have been in a better position to repulse the communists of the North and their agents in the south.

So, prior to the US increase of its ground forces in South Vietnam in 1965, the South Vietnamese were handily containing the indigenous Viet Cong and the Viet Minh from the north?

5) The war was immoral.

Wow! That's definitive, huh?

6) ... and unconstitutional because Congress never declared war.

Where in the US Constitution is there a requirement that US military forces only be deployed for combat pursuant to a Congressional declaration of war?

7) It sent 58,000 young American men to their graves

The Viet Cong and Viet Minh did that. Also, what is the age distribution of those 58,000? One the sergeants in my platoon was in his mid-30s and he was killed in a mortar attack.

8) ... along with some two million Vietnamese.

Had the Viet Cong and Viet Minh let them alone, none of them would have died.

9) It accelerated the decline of American liberty

What liberty has decined? Let's see. Freedom of expression: Texas v. Johnson(89); freedom of religion: Gonzales v. O Centro(06); freedom of speech: Reno v. ACLU(96). Any more necessary?

10) ... and the growth of government.

The Nation's population has increased by 30% since 1975 while the number of federal government employees as a percentage of US population has remained flat.

11) That's a pretty damning indictment.

Sure it is if you don't do your research first.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."