DT, although on some level, I agree with what you've said, I also disagree on others.

Quite frankly, I was too young to understand the Vietnam conflict, except to understand that I had two brothers that were of draft age, but were exempt because they were in college (and I never saw my mother so terrified as when my brother was accused of plagiarism and they threatened to throw him out of school). Although I have read about it some, I don't know enough about to speak very intelligently on the subject. I do know enough, however, to agree that it was a waste, though, of money, resources, and, most of all, lives. It's not something that we needed to be a part of.

I am a bit perturbed by your disdain for flag-waving and lapel pins, though. Why? If you have the right to disagree with the government, why don't others have the right to worship it? They certainly should. Although I personally don't believe in blind faith in one's government, that doesn't mean that I should look down on those that do. And although I loathe the current administration, I still believe that we are the greatest country in the world. Perhaps that's why people chant, "We're Number 1!"

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club