since most of you don't even know if the ball is round in this game, I'm going to post a few hints about soccer until Euro starts. I'll start by naming the FAVORITE TEAMS to win it all.

Greece - What better way to start than with the defending European Champions? They beat the host Portugal in last edition's final game by 1-0, in another display of their ruthless defensive game which edged the offensive minded Czech Republic in the semis and that had already beat Portugal in the opening game, both games also 1-0, with the great Greek team being leaded by its great star Karagounis.
They play in a relatively easy group with 3 other pretendants that not even closely resemble the kind of success that Greece has achieved in past years, so look for them to be making another run at the championship this time!

Next Hint - Poland

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk