Hats off to you Irishman for watching all of the Finals. If I were you, why bother now to watch a game in its entirety. What you do is what I also do - which is a huge problem the league has. I find it nearly impossible to watch an NBA game from start to finish. The reason for me? The last 5 minutes of a game are nearly insufferable with all the timeouts, the endless fouling, and tv timeouts.
Then throw in the fact for eastern time zone fans, these games don't end until 12:00 or 12:30 a.m. When the Cavs were in the Finals last year, I didn't stay up for any of those games because I had to get to bed for work. I recorded them sure, but if fans like me (I have to believe I was not the only one) don't stay up for their home teams, who the hell is really watching these games en masse? Not nearly as many that used to is my guess.