Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
Originally Posted By: olivant
And LLC, I echo DC's exhortation, but I'll add my own. Your vituperation against things you don't understand is your desperate need to reduce everything to simplicity, to avoid facing and having to deal with the variables and nuances that are characteristic of people and institutions, dilemmas and choices. Complexity is something that you assiduously avoid. You seek the false comfort of sophistry that gives you shelter against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that sometimes accompany human existence.

Which is ironic, as the Vietnam war avoided the complexity associated with human existence by simply assigning everyone a number before shipping them out like cattle.

However, I must say I enjoy how you're free to make personal jabs without a slap on the wrists, unlike myself, because I am not a member of the right-winged, self-motivated "GAWD BLESS AMERIKA AND CONDEMN DISRESPEKT" club that basically provides the same duties for this website that unsophisticated, sexually repressed jocks do for public high schools across America.

Click to reveal..

First of all not everyone was assigned a number stupid. Age, gender, handicapped, and prior military service exemptions (among others) were still retained. And not everyone who was assigned a number was inducted. Many of those who were assigned ended up assigned to billets other than Vietnam. But all were trained to be effective in whatever theater they served.

You are not a member of anything; you apparently stand for nothing; you apparently have fought for nothing. You simply exercise your mouth, or, on this Board, your fingers.

Try taking up a weapon and standing a post for something that requires more than just getting out of bed in the morning.

Stupid? Honestly, how old are you?

Oh, and is anyone else reminded of:

Violence isn't the end all be all Lt. Kilgore.

Hey, how's it going?