Originally Posted By: SC
I'm a little surprised that this thread has had no replies (considering all the sports fans here). McKay, for me anyway, exemplified excellence in sports reporting and his "They're all gone" report (about all the Israeli athletes killed in the 1972 massacre) will live with me forever.

It may just be a generational gap, and look at two major sporting events the guy had covered for YEARS with ABC........what, the Indy 500 and the Kentucky Derby? Not exactly the premier national events* as they once were.

But McKay was cool, and indeed 1972 was his professional highlight. I believe it was the HBO Sports Documentary made about him where he said that when ABC got the first reports that all the Israeli hostages were killed, it wasn't reported* on-air because it couldn't be confirmed. He had to wait either several minutes or hours before it was finally confirmed, and all the while he's having to pretend on TV that nothing was wrong, but knowing in his gut that they were dead. The worst time of his life apparently...

*=Shit, remember when news networks did THAT?