Weights alone help little, health-wise, though they might, if you're diet's right, help you look good a little.

You gotta work the heart, man. Breaking out into sweat during any exercise regime is a good sign. And keeping fluids (water) in your body helps, too.

Gyms are expensive; so are public swimming pools. There's no surprise why a healthy routine is, despite being a general concern, quite hard to keep up: the easiest way to do it (in terms of equipment) is the least financially feasible.

You've got to be pretty disciplined to stay healthy without gym partners, or personal trainers, or the "obligation" of going to the gym (because the membership fee you paid a few months ago really ought to give its money's worth).

It's doable, though. You don't need to spend anything to walk a few miles a day, or go running, or even some sustained dancing to music you love.

Right now I'm shadow sparring in front of a mirror, and other boxing training (without the in-ring stuff; I've not done that since my nose was broken): skipping (with ropes), bag-punching, simple routines like burpies and squats, jogging. Even star jumps help to work your heart.

Diet helps too. Today I had two lumps of mackarel with sliced cucumber and feta cheese, gulped down with water and apple juice.

There's no better feelings than exercise-induced sweating; it's not only physically healthy, but mentally, too.

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