I hope that I am wrong, but too many closet racists and too many outright racists will probably keep Obama from getting elected.

Regarding the rabid Hillary supporters, I saw this woman on last night who claimed that the media were "misogynists" for their treatment of Clinton and "forcing" her out of the race. I wanted to scream at this woman. Focus on the real issue if you're going to throw that label out there: McCain called his WIFE the c-word! It does not get more misogynistic than that.

I hope that there are enough smart people in this country to realize that even though McCain is not as bad as Bush (how could he be?), McCain will inevitably carry out many of the same or similar agendas regarding foreign policy and our economy. I just don't see how most people, who have the ability to think beyond skin color, can say that we would better off with the state of the economy carrying forward as the status quo and that the Iraq War should continue down an endless path of another 4 years. But I have serious reservations as to whether enough people can vote beyond skin color.

And for those Clinton supporters who vote for McCain simply because they didn't get their candidate, I feel sorry for you. Obama won fair and square, so get over it. Is she capable - absolutely, but she did not get it done and used a poor campaign strategy since February. I don't really blame her so much as her advisors for a lack of vision and sense of inevitability. And now she has to live with the outcome. A spite vote for McCain is plain dumb.