Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Newman, from what I've read of the man, always seemed to have been a sincere guy, and in a rare-breed in Hollywood....not full of bullshit.

I once had the good fortune to meet him. He and wife, Joanne Woodward, were monthly regulars at a bar/restuarant which I went to every night after work.

One night, after drinking for a few hours, I stumbled my way to the Men's room and literally bumped into him as he was heading to the john, too. I said, "Excuse me", to which he replied, "Oh no, it was my fault". I responded, "Well, in that case don't let it happen again", and he laughed and said "OK".

Aside from being thrilled to have actually talked to him I was really taken with his genuine, down-to-earth manner. Very unusual for someone of his stature.
