As it is Friday the 13th...

       [YTD]   [LN]
FC^	3490   100 Michael Myers - He keeps coming after you.  He doesn't stop.
JL	3436	25 Freddy Krueger - Townsfolk holding him back for now.  Will be back with a vengeance.
BB	3259	48 Jason - Waiting for those he is chasing to fall.
GB	3203	78 Chucky - Seemingly harmless from 4th place.  Does a lot of damage.
JG	3163	39 The Ring Video - Don't look directly at his volatile team.
CG	3123	50 Scream Masked Guys - Unsure who the bad guy is.
BL^	2906	53 Count Dracula - His team isn't dead yet.
DB	2892	38 It - His team floats err stinks.
BR	2553	22 Frakenstein - His team is pierced together.
TM	2500	18 Jack Torrance - All work and no play makes TM's team a dull boy.
AP	2487	35 Wolf Man - Trying to take a bite out of TM's team.