[YTD] [LN]
FC 3601 17 Cabrera (-5) pitches poorly against the Bucs
JL 3535 44 Saunders (26) wins his 10th game
BB 3390 67 Beckett (27) dominating vs. Reds
GB 3341 65 J-Ro (10), J-Bay (10)
JG 3310 37 Pedro (20) and a win (but on DL)
CG 3252 51 Ellsbury (13)
BL 3068 85 Sabathia (26) has 10K performance
DB 2985 67 Lilly (26) gives up 0 ERs
BR 2624 45
AP^ 2610 7 Point here, point there
TM 2608 37 Wang (20) but injury a concern