       [YTD]   [LN]
JL	3910	71 Duchscherer (22) continues great pitching streak for JL
FC	3824   102 4 starts, 3 wins (and only stinker from ace Webb)
GB	3710	56 Rollings (9) rolling
CG	3619	33 Moves up during the weekend
BB	3616	20 Davies (-18) doesn't make it out of 2nd inning
JG	3530	57 Youklis (14), Winn (12)
BL	3383	70 Lincecum (-1) against KC
DB	3186	42 A-Ram (10) continues decimation of CHW
TM	2932	49 D-Mac, C-Bill (6) near identical stat lines
BR	2880	44 Dempster (22) completes sweep of CHW
AP	2841	67 Teixeira (19) hits 3 homers