[YTD] [LN]
JL 4059 31 Superman is "the" superhero. What's JL's kryptonite?
FC 3895 4 Batman. Gets almost as much press as Sup, but vulnerable because he's human.
GB 3895 57 Iron Man. Surprisingly strong despite weaknesses.
CG^ 3723 4 Spiderman. Climbing up the ranks. (ba da bump)
BB 3714 -17 Ghost Rider. Who knew he was a superhero?
JG 3674 15 Charles Xavier. Leader of a bunch of misfits. ;)
BL 3554 23 Incredible Hulk. BL... Angryyyyyyy.
DB 3342 50 Aquaman. Trying to swim against the current.
TM 3058 37 Robin. Gets hurt/captured a lot.
AP 2966 44 Captain America. Doesn't get the publicity but keeps working at it.
BR 2963 28 Hancock. Just trying to find his way...