lol lol
Here's one.

On the night before my brother turned 21, his buddies took him out to some bars. Now my brother (Tim) had been having beer parties since high school, so they were celebrating his entry into legal drinking. He and his buddies were also pranksters of the first order.

At 11 PM, 60 minutes before he turned 21, my dad got a call from someone claiming to be a policeman, who nabbed Tim and some of his buddies for underage drinking. He asked my father to describe Tim, and he answered, "He's almost as good looking as me. Like Robert Redford." And so it wenton. My dad couldn't be fooled.

They next told my dad that because Tim was minutes away from 21, they were thinking of letting him go, but Dad said with a smile, "Don't you dare. You should lock him up for the night. He's nothing but trouble." The call eventually ended.

As you probably guessed, the call was real, from a real cop. He got off the phone and told my brother, "No citation for you. You've got bigger problems at home. Now get the hell out of here."

I remember Tim getting home and saying, "Dad, what the hell were youdoing?"