Looking at Beth's pix made me a little sentimental, and with that in mind I'm posting three pix of my own here. They are pictures of me with my niece, spaced apart by 20 years.
From 1964:
From 1984:
From 2003:
She's a great "kid"!!
So is her Uncle!!
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Mignon]
#493551 06/15/0808:14 PM06/15/0808:14 PM
Nicole was in Myrtle Beach, SC over the weekend to help my niece finish moving back to Baltimore. Of course, being by the beach didn't hurt. They had some wild life refuge park where you could get your picture taken with the tiger cub. I don't think I want a wild animal on my lap.
Whenever I look at that monkey I start cracking up.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#495271 06/24/0807:49 AM06/24/0807:49 AM
OMG!! That thing is huge. When you said "cub", I was thinking some little baby. It is a beautiful animal, though. Tigers have always been my favorite, they are so magnificent.
That is cool Beth. I would love to do that. Can you ask her for the address of that place. I'm going to Myrtle Beach in a couple weeks and I would like to visit that place.
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Mignon]
#495648 06/26/0812:19 AM06/26/0812:19 AM
What's up Gina! I'm guessing you're on summer break, which means you can go on obsessing about baseball players full-time. Oh wait - you do that during the school year too.
So who's your latest obsession? BTW, I have Kyle Lohse-r on my Yahoo team.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Don Sicilia]
#496038 06/27/0812:28 PM06/27/0812:28 PM
Believe it or not, I haven't been near as, uh, obsessive as usual. My friend Diana, a newer fan than I am, I'd say has matched and topped the level of interest I've held in fantasy baseball. She's still in awe at how much 'talent' there is to 'scout.' (If you know what I mean.) Don't get me wrong, though - she loves the game, too.
But since you asked...we're both kind of crazy about Reyes and Wright.
You have Kyle on your fantasy team? What gives, CS? Can you at least share??
How's Mrs. CS? Are you both supporting those Scrubs now, or what??
C'mon, 'assets' is one of the most useful words in the world of fangirls! It makes us almost sound like we're actually talking about baseball, while at the same time being quite obvious we're talking about something else.
But I do like this approach quite a bit:
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Plus, anyone see Jeter's butt during the game last night??
Sorry for being so blunt. Jeter tends to crowd the plate when he's up at bat, and leans in quite a bit (which may have something to do with why he gets hit a lot, although I prefer to blame the jealousy and pettiness of opposing pitchers). Therefore, quite often there is the Jeter "butt shot" during a game.
However, seeing the Yankees lose by such an awful lot yesterday, to the Mets no less, just made me miserable. I'm from NY, and I really am not anti-Mets the way that some Mets fans are anti-Yankees, but we have friends who are rabid Mets fans and they will gloat and gloat over this win.
You have Kyle on your fantasy team? What gives, CS? Can you at least share??
Yep, I have the Lohse-r on my team. He was on a good run, but was a free agent in the league. I pick him up and he consequently stinks up the joint in Detroit. Story of my team...
Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
How's Mrs. CS? Are you both supporting those Scrubs now, or what??
Mrs. CS is doing great! She's actually a Cardinals fan - can you believe it - so she likes it everytime the Cubs lose. I have Aramis Ramirez and Ted Lilly on my fantasy team. That, along with the Cubs' great start, means I have somewhat more than a passing interest in how the Cubs are doing.
BTW, I can't believe you're following the assets of the New York Mets.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Don Sicilia]
#496505 06/29/0811:19 PM06/29/0811:19 PM
I remember that Mrs. CS was a Cardinals fan, but I was curious to see if, since you haven't switched over to them (yet), maybe you'd persuaded her to switch over to the Cubs by now.
And can you believe I used to think I might get you to become an Astros fan?!
But I imagine Mr. and Mrs. CS now as those pairs you'll see on TV, sitting next to each other in the ballpark, but each is completely decked out in the gear of rival teams. That'd make a cute scene.
Considering what you're doing to Lohse, do you have any Houston guys on your team that I could blame you for jinxing? haha
My grandma went to an Astros game recently, with my grandpa, uncle, and aunt. I think she only went for the others' sake, as she enjoys watching baseball, but doesn't like to go to the stadium often. Anyway, she ended up with a very nice memory - getting a FanFoto picture with our mascot, "Junction Jack." She told me she had walked around him, noticing his big fuzzy tail, then she felt somebody tap her shoulder, and she turned around to see the giant rabbit mascot - who then hugged her and gave her a kiss. Then the FanFoto photographer took her picture with him!
She wasn't sure in her description of him, so I kind of wondered if it was really the mascot or instead some lunatic dressed up in a suit, going around hugging people's grandmas. But she had the card they gave her to see the photo online, and I found it for her. It was so cute, and I could tell she was really happy about it.