Okay, I'll give it a go.

1) Are you a jerk?
I can be sometimes.

2) Have you kissed somebody in the last month?

3) Who was the last person's house you went to besides your own?
A friend...on the Fourth.

4) Do you miss someone?

5) What's on your mind?
Stress from work.

6) What music do you hear?

7) Do you like someone right now?

8) Listening to music?

9) What are you doing tomorrow?
Attend a hearing, work on reports, attend my son's baseball game in Hershey, and meet my wife and three other pretty ladies for drinks.

10) What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
Black raspberry

11) Anything annoying you right now?
Not at the moment.

12) Favorite color?

13) What did you do last night?
I walked the dog, had pizza for a late dinner, emptied the dishwasher and took out the trash (3 recyclable containers of beer and wine bottles blush).

14) Who did you ride in a car with last besides your family?
A colleague at work.

16) What's the color of the shirt you are wearing?
Light blue.

17) What did you do Sunday?
Friends came over...Hence, the recyclable containers.

18) Do you have any bruises?

19) What were you doing at noon yesterday?
Getting ready to go for lunch.

20) How long does it take you to get ready?
About 25 minutes.

21) Have you been outside today?
Yes. It was hot.

22) The last text you received on your cell was from?
A friend of my wife.

23) What did it say?

24) Last movie you watched and with who?
"Life is Beautiful" with my daughter. We watch it together whenever it's on. The other two movies she'll always likes to watch with me are "Simon Birch" and "Kill Bill."

25) Who/ What do you miss?
Summer vacations as a kid.

26) Are you wearing any jewelry?

27) Last person you hugged?
My daughter.

28) The last place you went to?
A deli in Dunmore,PA

29) Who/What made you upset today?
Nothing yet.

30) Do you sing in the shower?
Yes. for some reason today I was singing, "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You."

31) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?

34) Look ln your phonebook, who do you have under the letter 'T'?
A friend, named Terry, and my brother, Tim.

35) If you could fix things with anyone who would it be and why?
Terry. He's having a marital issue that should not have been as troublesome as it is.

36) Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?
37) What color are your bedroom walls?