1) Are you a jerk?
No (at least not from my viewpoint) grin

2) Have you kissed somebody in the last month?
Yes, my kids, grandkids

3) Who was the last person's house you went to besides your own?
My daughter's

4) Do you miss someone?
Yes My family back in Michigan

5) What's on your mind?
Thankfully, nothing major at the moment, except what to get my daughter for her birthday.

6) What music do you hear?
Nothing right now although it should be the L&O theme as much as I've been watching it. smile

7) Do you like someone right now?
No (which doesn't mean I hate everyone) tongue

8) Listening to music?
Not at the moment

9) What are you doing tomorrow?
Hmmm probably go shopping and maybe a movie. I still need to rent the last season of 24. One truly great thing about living alone, I can do whatever I want. grin

10) What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
Chocolate of course

11) Anything annoying you right now?
certain people on political shows

12) Favorite color?
Always has been Red

13) What did you do last night?
I was gonna watch Big Bang Theory & Two & a Half Men, but everything was a repeat. As it turned out, I was totally exhausted as I didn't sleep the night before, so I crashed at about 9:00 (call me Ms Excitment) rolleyes

14) Who did you ride in a car with last besides your family?
a co-worker

16) What's the color of the shirt you are wearing?
Navy blue Michigan Wolverines shirt wink

17) What did you do Sunday?
I had my family over for dinner. I cooked a nice meal and we hung out.

18) Do you have any bruises?
I always have bruises. Like SB I always run into something. I move so quickly. I need to slow down.

19) What were you doing at noon yesterday?
I was babysitting for the grandkids so my daughter could go to the dentist.

20) How long does it take you to get ready?
45 - 60 minutes for work. Heck since I'm on vaction I don't call it getting ready. I call it doing my own thing. lol

21) Have you been outside today?

22) The last text you received on your cell was from?
My younger daughter

23) What did it say?

Vegas Baby!!! grin
24) Last movie you watched and with who?
Witness for the Prosecution

25) Who/ What do you miss?
Well I always miss my Michigan family, but in terms of those not with me any longer, my grandmothers. I miss going to their houses, smelling grandma's kitchen during the holiday season; the Italian chatter in the background. I can still remember the sounds of their voices.

26) Are you wearing any jewelry?
Yes I always wear earrings

27) Last person you hugged?
My grand daughter

28) The last place you went to?
Linens & Things to buy a wedding gift.

29) Who/What made you upset today?
Not upset at all today.

30) Do you sing in the shower?
Every now and then

31) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?

No, but I always thought a serenade would be romantic no?

34) Look ln your phonebook, who do you have under the letter 'T'?

My ex-husband

35) If you could fix things with anyone who would it be and why? Probably a couple things, but it's too personal

36) Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?

37) What color are your bedroom walls?
Off white


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon