Goodfella-I too have read the godfather numerous times and I too have been critisized by the subject of the mafia. I have read other books also, with great enjoyment, but its because I am obsessed with the godfather that people believe that I am reading unintellectual work. But if you really think about it-place the godfather in medivel times. Picture Vito as a corrupt king and the story revolves around his sons and the life at such high athority with love, hate, betrayal between family and enemys including rival rulers in other kingdoms, the men out to prove the corrupt life of Vito's kingdom, and even some of the actual family-love-hate-betrayal-Sounds a lot like Shakespere. The writing can become a little simple sometimes but overall, I believe that the godfather is intellectual and just because it is about a subject over commercialized by stupid movies-doesn't mean the godfather is some intellectual spoof. Sadly, the spoofs of the godfather give the mafia (as a subject)a bad name. I know its sad but it is true.
Your teacher, goodfella, probably never read the godfather...or maybe shes just not as obsessed as we are.

Oh well-thats my two cents but I've wasted too much of your time.

"I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun."-Billy Joel