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Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Capo de La Cosa Nostra]
07/09/08 12:45 PM
07/09/08 12:45 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Personality 100. Chose the best answer.
I work best: In a On my own
Given the choice I would: Choose the job that is stable and financially secure Chose the job that offers variety/travel, although slightly unstable/insecure
My response is usually quite: Stable - not affected by mood swings often Varied - my response can vary according to the mood I am in at the time
It is important to me to: Understand my feelings; I spend a lot of time looking inward. Move onward; I don't spend time reflecting/looking inward.
If I were a car, I would most resemble a: VW Beetle: Carefree, enthusiastic, easy-going. VW Passatt/Jetta: Detailed, reliable, quality-oriented.
I trust strangers: Easily - on the whole, people have good intentions. Not easily - trust needs to be earned
Clutter in my workspace is something I:
Feel the urge to straighten up Am not bothered by
Philosophical debates (What is the meaning of existence?" interest me: Very much Little
I tend to be more: Factual than speculative Speculative than factual
When faced with a decision, I am most likely to: Pick/chose quickly, often on an impulse Analyze options with care, so as to make the best choice Tend to become indecisive
I am most interested in:
Causes (What created the situation?) Effects (What was the result of the situation?) Correlations (How does this situation connect or relate to other situations?)
When assessing other people, I usually: Have a rational explanation for my judgement Rely more on a "gut" feeling
It would be more accurate to say: I probably don't spend enough time worrying about problems. I probably spend too much time worrying about problems.
A hallway in a friend's apartment has been redecorated. You:
Didn't notice - your attention is directed elsewhere. Notice, but don't much care - not of that much interest to you. Notice, take in all the details - you are interested in such things.
You are invited to go sky diving. Your response? Count me in - you are immediately excited. Probably - sounds a little scary, you will have to talk yourself into it. Probably not - it's a little out of your range, but you will think about it. No way - you will cheer and watch, but from safely upon the ground.
On a scale of 0 - 100 what capacity are you currently living your life. (100% = your personal ideal potential).
Everyone has one thing or another they would like to change about themselves. You would be happier/more productive if you could change your: (Pick all that apply)
Stubborness Impulsivity (I act without thinking) Tendency to worry/be anxious Indecisiveness (It's hard for me to make up my mind) Lack of discipline/organization Lack of spontaneity (I plan too much) Lack of ambition (I'm not very motivated) Over-ambition (I work too much) Lack of patience Tendency to be oversensitive
Preferred words: (Select one from each group)
Like hustle - bustle Like calm and quite Sense of Reality Sense of Imagination Stability Flexibility Outspoken Reserved Decisions using head Decisions using heart Rather win praise Rather win a prize
Last edited by Beth E; 07/09/08 12:53 PM.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 12:52 PM
07/09/08 12:52 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
I work best: On my own
Given the choice I would: Choose the job that is stable and financially secure
My response is usually quite: Varied - my response can vary according to the mood I am in at the time
It is important to me to: Understand my feelings; I spend a lot of time looking inward.
If I were a car, I would most resemble a: VW Passatt/Jetta: Detailed, reliable, quality-oriented.
I trust strangers: Not easily - trust needs to be earned
Clutter in my workspace is something I:
Feel the urge to straighten up
Philosophical debates (What is the meaning of existence?" interest me: Little
I tend to be more: Speculative than factual
When faced with a decision, I am most likely to: Pick/chose quickly, often on an impulse
I am most interested in: Effects (What was the result of the situation?)
When assessing other people, I usually: Rely more on a "gut" feeling
It would be more accurate to say: I probably spend too much time worrying about problems.
A hallway in a friend's apartment has been redecorated. You: Notice, take in all the details - you are interested in such things.
You are invited to go sky diving. Your response? No way - you will cheer and watch, but from safely upon the ground.
On a scale of 0 - 100 what capacity are you currently living your life. (100% = your personal ideal potential). 30%
Everyone has one thing or another they would like to change about themselves. You would be happier/more productive if you could change your: (Pick all that apply)
Stubborness Impulsivity (I act without thinking) Tendency to worry/be anxious Indecisiveness (It's hard for me to make up my mind) Lack of spontaneity (I plan too much) Lack of ambition (I'm not very motivated) Lack of patience Tendency to be oversensitive
Preferred words: (Select one from each group)
Like calm and quite Sense of Reality Stability Reserved Decisions using heart Rather win praise
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 12:53 PM
07/09/08 12:53 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Song that always makes you sad?: REM's "Everybody Hurts". Came on the radio as I was leaving my counseling job (with emotionally disturbed teens - I fit right in!). Still get emotional when I hear it. Last thing you bought?: A liter. lol Last person you argued with?: I don't argue Do you put peanut butter before putting the jelly on? Who doesn't?? Favorite day of the week?: The one ending in -day Favorite Sundae topping?: Walnuts Did you take Piano lessons?: Organ, actually (and shut up!  ) Most frequent song played?: Two: The Drifters "Up On the Roof", and, Rufus Wainwright's version of "Across the Universe"  T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: Anything with Gordon Ramsay! And American Idol. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?: Playing? Hockey. Watching? B-Ball. Date someone older or younger?: Younger Do you use umbrellas?: Rarely Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?: No Favorite Cheese?: All! Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?: Depends what we're doing. Trivial Pursuit? Blondes. lol  Did you go to your high school prom?: Yes. Perfect time to wake up?: When you awake, plus 2 more hours. Perfect time to go to bed?: When your eyes shut, minus 2 hours lol Do you use your queen right away in chess?: No, I save him ...err, her... for later. Ever been in a car accident?: Minor ones Closer to mom or dad...or neither?: Closer to mom, but love them both Were you ever in a school talent show?: No. Have you ever written in a library book?: What's a library? Favorite fruit?: Figs - my grandfather had his own tree. Have you watched Sex and The City?: I've seen it before, but don't "watch" it. The movie? Hell no! Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?: Depends. I normally soap up first. I don't (and no one should, really) wash their hair every day. But on days I have to, then I'll shampoo and condition first, then soap up. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?: RINSE FIRST!! Who wants that toilet mist in their mouth?? Pen or pencil?: Pen. I hate pencils! Have you ever gambled at a casino?: Yes Have you thrown up on a plane?: No. Have you thrown up in a car?: One that I can recall Have you thrown up at work?: No. Do you scream on roller coasters?: No. Who was your first prom date?: Mary Who was your first roommate?: Adam What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?: Jack Daniels -- disgusting to this day!!  What was your first car?: My mom's '78 station wagon - rode like a boat. And flew like a piper cup! lol When did you go to your first funeral?: My grandfathers, when I was 12 How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?: 18, to university. Who was your first grade teacher?: Ms. LeComp (speaking of camel toes...  ) Where did you go on your first airplane ride?: Florida When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?: I've never snuck out the house. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?: Backdoor neighbor Michael - but he moved away in like 1st Grade. Then William, who moved away. Then Jay, who moved away. Then Peter, who moved away. Then Rich and Scott - who thankfully haven't moved away. lol Known them going on 30 years now! Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?: Rutgers (New Brunswick, NJ) Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: No one. That's what this BB is for! lol Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman: My brother's What is the first thing you do in the morning?: Wake up. What was the first concert you attended?: Billy Idol First tattoo or piercing?: Not yet. First celebrity crush?: Kristy McNichol, and Charlie's Angels, got me thru puberty lol
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 02:08 PM
07/09/08 02:08 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984 California
The Italian Stallionette

Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 25,984
Song that always makes you sad?: If You Go Away Last thing you bought?: Sun dress Last person you argued with?: Hmmmmm It's been a long time. I don't remember. Maybe about a year ago I flew off the handle at work and kind of yelled at the principal. He was shocked cause I never get mad (at least visibly mad at work)  Actually he listened to me, so I think he took it seriously in the end and addressed my complaints.  Do you put peanut butter before putting the jelly on? Can't imagine putting the jelly on first. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday Favorite Sundae topping?: Gotta be hot fudge Did you take Piano lessons?: No Most frequent song played?: If you mean the most "overplayed" songs on the radio, Proud Mary, Wipeout T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: As of late I have been watching Reaper. Kind of corny, but kind of enjoyable for some reason.  Would you rather play basketball or hockey?: Playing? Surely you jest. I am not into sports, but IF I had to play any sport, it'd be baseball, not because I'm good at it, but because I understand it and I wouldn't get thrown on the ground and mess up my body even more.  Date someone older or younger?: When I was 18, I dated someone 17 (he was still in high school). At the time it just didn't seem right. Then again, I was 4 months older than my husband.  Do you use umbrellas?: Every time it rains or my hair frizzes. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?: No Favorite Cheese?: I do like most all cheese, but I favor provolone and Swiss Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?: I have always been partial to brunetts Did you go to your high school prom?: No Perfect time to wake up?: Anytime I wake up after a good's night sleep without an alarm going. Perfect time to go to bed?: Just before I am ready to doze off Do you use your queen right away in chess?: Don't play chess Ever been in a car accident?: Yes but thankfully with no serious injuries Closer to mom or dad...or neither?: Dad Were you ever in a school talent show?: No Have you ever written in a library book?: Not that I remember Favorite fruit?: Peaches, bananas Have you watched Sex and The City?: My daughter loved the show and has all the seasons. I watched them just recently, and went to see the movie.  I did like it, BUT for me, call me old fashioned, but I found it too "risque" in sexual content. True, didn't stop me from watching it, but wow, it showed everything. I told my daughter that I'd probably be embarrassed to watch it with her. YET, I liked it .....go figure. I'd probably prefer the cleaned up version on regular tv. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?: Shampoo Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?: Always wet toothbrush Pen or pencil?: Pen Have you ever gambled at a casino?: Yes Have you thrown up on a plane?: Yes Have you thrown up in a car?: Not that I remember Have you thrown up at work?: No. Do you scream on roller coasters?: Yes Who was your first prom date?: Didn't go, but the younger guy I wrote about, asked me to the prom. But damn, me an old 18 year old graduate going to a prom? By the time it rolled around, we weren't seeing each other anymore Who was your first roommate?: Never lived with anyone but my parents til I married, so Tony was my first roomate. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?: Seagrams 7 and 7-Up  aka 7/7 What was your first car?: I was lucky. My father co-signed for me on a brand new 68 Camaro. My payments were 65 a month.  When did you go to your first funeral?: I was about 13/14 my great uncle passed away. He was very close to my family. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 31, moved to California Who was your first grade teacher?: Miss Lovern Where did you go on your first airplane ride?: California When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?: I've never snuck out the house. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?: As a kid, it was Rosemary and I lost track of her years ago. In high school it was Kathy, and I communicate with her but not that often Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?: Grand Rapids, MI suburb Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: Either I don't call anyone and stew for a while or I vent to my daughters Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman: I've been in about 10 weddings but my first one was my best friend Kathy in about 1968. What is the first thing you do in the morning?: Go to the bathroom and put on the coffee and turn on the computer.  What was the first concert you attended?: Geez, I'm not positive but I think "The Animals" First tattoo or piercing?: Never First celebrity crush?: Has to be Elvis  TIS
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 02:20 PM
07/09/08 02:20 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
1 Are You Single? yes 2 If not, how Long Have You Been Together? N/A 3 If You're Single, Do you Like It? Yes 4 Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? Not right now 5 First Kiss I used to kiss this girl in 1st Grade, like Gomez Adamms to Morticia, up her arm.  6 Ever Kiss in the Rain? Uhh... not sure 7 In a Movie Theater? Don't think so 8 Underwater? No 9 First Love Crush? Kindergarten... I forget her name, though 10 Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? Nope 11 Been Cheated on? Hope not 12 Used Someone? Maybe, but probably unintentional 13 Been used? Probably 14 Lied to your bf/gf? White lies never hurt anyone...  15 Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Yes 16 Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? Yes 17 Are You a Tease? Yes 18 Do you Flirt a Lot? Sometimes 19 Longest Relationship Not too long  20 Shortest A few weeks lol 21 Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? No 22 Ever Get Flowers? Don't need/want 'em 23 Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten XM Radio was cool  24 Do you Like Valentine's Day? N/A 25 Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? Lust At First Sight, sure 26 Do you Fall in Love Fast? Not really 27 Are you a Player? Not really 28 Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? Who knows  29 Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? Sure 30 Kissed 2 People At One Time? How's that possible? 31 Had Sex with 2 People in One day? See below: 32 Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? Once  33 Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? Yes I have 34 Ever Been Dumped? Usually mutual 35 Ever dumped someone? Usually mutual 36 Ever been rejected? Who hasn't? 37 Do you have a lot of ex's? No 38 Are you a slut? Yes 39 Ever been called one? No 40 Do you ever make the first move? Sometimes 41 Double dates or single? Single Dates 42 Do you want to get married Is there someone out there who could put up with me??
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 02:28 PM
07/09/08 02:28 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
Birthplace: Toms River, NJ Current Location: Toms River, NJ Height: 5 feet 9 inches ? Your webpage: Is outdated Are you taken? Nope Are you a virgin? Nope How many & what kind of pets do you have? None right now What's your job? Webmaster / Video Editor / Goof-off What's your Dream Job? Goof-off Who is your best friend? Scott What instruments do you play? Guitar, Bass, Keys - but not that well What are your hobbies? This is it! What are your goals? Get healthier, be happier, be richer Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump? If my heart could take it! lol What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? Not a huge reader, but I do enjoy it when I do... How would do describe yourself? I'd rather not; it's not pretty What is a topic you wish you knew more about? The Mafia What do you daydream about? My problems.  (Santino: "Depends" -- You incontinent? lol) What are your religious/spiritual beliefs? I am Christian (raised Catholic but the Church itself can be a bit rigid) List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself: Most everything Spender or Saver? Spender  Truth or Dare? Doesn't matter Books or Movies? Movies Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure? Action/Adventure Cats or Dogs? Both are cool Mountain or Beach? Mountains don't give me ass-sand Sweet or Salty? Ehh, both Do You smoke: Unfortunately Do you drink? Never!!  Get annoyed easily? I usually try to be patience, but it's hard when you're driving! Like to travel? Sure Like to drive fast? Yes Sing well? Not as well as I think I do probably lol Want kids? Mine or yours?
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 02:29 PM
07/09/08 02:29 PM
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 17,300 New York
Sicilian Babe

Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 17,300
New York
ARE YOU SHY? Painfully ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? Why can't you be both? Makeup sex is great. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? I was going to say clowns, but then TIS' reply reminded me that I have nightmares that something has happened to my children. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO MANIAC? No. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF REALITY TV? Most of it sucks. WERE YOU A CUTE BABY? Yes WHAT SCENT DO YOU WEAR? Mr. Babe doesn't like perfume, but my favorite has always been Joy by Jean Patou. ANY SECRET TALENTS? Yes WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT? On a beach in Sicily BAD HABITS? Doesn't everyone? CAN YOU SWIM? Yes HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A CENTER OF A TOOTSIE POP? I always bite and cheat. DO YOU HAVE AN ODD OBSESSION? Yes - a Godfather website. ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Yes and no. My brothers are 12 and 14 years older than me, so they were married and out of the house before I turned 10. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? To each his own, but not for me. IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? Unless Mr. Babe packs his bags. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? No. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? Sometimes cats. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU"? Two minutes ago to my daughter. IS ELVIS STILL ALIVE? No DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS? I cry at just about anything, so definitely weddings. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Scrambled with cheese. DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? Yes, Sicilian Babe. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? No. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK? I don't want to. HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE? Yes. ARE YOU A HEAVY SLEEPER? Yes. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? Brown. DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE? No, I love it. ARE YOU PSYCHIC? I wish. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING? NO!!!! DO YOU SNORT WHEN YOU LAUGH? Apparently. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? If necessary, yes, but I think society has made it too easy. DO YOU MAKE A LOT OF MISTAKES? Of course!! FAVORITE BAND AT THE MOMENT? Not sure.
President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 02:47 PM
07/09/08 02:47 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
32 Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? Once You are too wicked for color tv Geoff.
Last edited by Beth E; 07/09/08 02:48 PM.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 03:13 PM
07/09/08 03:13 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066 OH, VA, KY
Mama Mig
Mama Mig

Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066
Birthplace: Lorain, Ohio
Current Location: Salem, Ohio
Height: 5 feet 6 1/2 inches
Your webpage: Don't have one
Are you taken? Yep
Are you a virgin? It would be a miracle if I was
How many & what kind of pets do you have? one dog
What's your job? Stay at home Mom for now
What's your Dream Job? Not having one
Who is your best friend? Don't have one
What instruments do you play? None
What are your hobbies? I make my own greeting cards,Garden
What are your goals? Get healthier, be happier, be richer
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump? No Way
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? greeting card magizines, mafia books
How would do describe yourself? I'm a good person
What is a topic you wish you knew more about? The Mafia
What do you daydream about? getting out of debt
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs? I go to the Church Of Christ
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself: Alot
Spender or Saver? Saver
Truth or Dare? Dare
Books or Movies? Both
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure? Both
Cats or Dogs? dogs (allergic to cats)
Mountain or Beach? Give me the sand any day
Sweet or Salty? Sweet
Do You smoke: No
Do you drink? Use to
Get annoyed easily? Yes now that I'm getting older
Like to travel? Sure
Like to drive fast? Yes
Sing well? No
Want kids? Waiting for mine to move out. 2 down 1 to go
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Mignon]
07/09/08 03:28 PM
07/09/08 03:28 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Righty/Lefty Can you afford to lose weight Fave part of your body Least fave part of your body Fave part on the opposite sex Biggest Turn-On Biggest Turn-Off Describe the perfect date Top 4 qualities you look for in the opposite sex If someone really liked you, would you want them to tell you Long distance relationship or no relationship Coke or Pepsi Cars or Trucks Hot or Cold Pants or shorts Long sleeves or short sleeves What are you wearing right now If you could have one wish, what would it be What is your favorite type of music Do you like theme parks Indoors or Outdoors 3 names you might name your son 3 names you might name your daughter How many kids do you want T.V. or Computer Do you play an instrument Do you speak more than one language What are your 3 favorite sports How many posters are on your wall Hardwood floor or carpet in your bedroom Is your room messy or tidy Do you like to burp Top 5 favorite foods 3 Favorite things to do at home Swimming in the ocean or a pool Are you confident Do you like to take risks Favorite subject in high school Clothes shopping or grocery shopping Say one extra thing about yourself
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Sicilian Babe]
07/09/08 03:28 PM
07/09/08 03:28 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902
New York
I gotta say that these surveys (and the responses) are great. They've shed some light on some members here that I thought I knew all about but apparently was wrong. A few random thoughts: Yeah, right! "WAITER, THIS FUCKIN' CHEESECAKE IS FROZEN, YOU SONUVABITCH". . 21) The last text you received on your cell was from? Zoe. A feisty red-head I drunkenly text last night.
22) What did it say? "whos this?" Gotta be the funniest response I read here. . 15. Favorite Cheese?: cutting it Number two on the funny meter. Perhaps I shouldn't say "number two" here. . ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Nope, in the middle. I REALLY hate to admit this, but I didn't know that!!  I know about your older brother in MD. Who is younger??? . When faced with a decision, I am most likely to: Pick/chose quickly, often on an impulse Dunno why, but I find that very surprising. . Most frequent song played?: The Drifters "Up On the Roof" A complete surprise! That's from MY time!! . ARE YOU PSYCHIC? No, although I had a dream on three consecutive nights in 1987 that a friend of my wife (then she was my girlfriend) was in a bad car accident on the highway. I told my wife about it after the third night, and the very next day the friend was in an accident. I had the color of the car right too. Now THAT is spooky!! . ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Yes. Dunno why, but I'm surprised to learn that.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Mignon]
07/09/08 03:29 PM
07/09/08 03:29 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066 OH, VA, KY
Mama Mig
Mama Mig

Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066
Do you have any pets? If so, what kind, and what are their names? I have a dog named Sampson
Who’s your favorite musician (singer or otherwise)? I like alot of singers
What song would you most like to perform, or what band would you most like to perform with? (ignoring factors of embarrassment or lack of talent, which would stand in my way…haha) I would love to sing My Way with Frank Sinatra
If you had a time machine, what time in your life would you travel back to? Would you change something, or want to relive something? Yes, 1988 so I could take a different street so I wouldn't get into that car wreck that almost killed me
If you had a time machine (assuming you’re still in the Twilight Zone for the moment), what time period before your lifetime would you travel to? Would you rather have lived during that time, or would you just want to “visit” it? I would love to live back in 1920's-1940's New York also the old west
What is your favorite time of the day? Early evening
What is your favorite time of the year (month or season)? I love the winter even though I hate to shovel the snow
Are you still living in the same place you were born? If not, how many different places have you lived? no I was Born in Lorain, Ohio and I've lived in 4 different states
What is your favorite genre of movies? Mafia,comedy
Who is your favorite author/writer (books, newspaper journalists, etc.)? I use to read alot of VC Andrews
What is your favorite set of colors, ones that you like together? I like navy blue
As a kid, did you enjoy school, deal with it, or hate it? I hated school
Which year of school did you enjoy most? 6th grade was the best. Mr. Witherow was the best
What animal are you most afraid of? Grizzly bears
What is your dream car? Mustang
Who do you feel closest to, that you know best and can rely on for trust and support – a family member or a friend? If a friend, how long have you know him/her? Friend/a few years
Who’s your favorite comedian? Jeff Foxworthy
What was your first job? Waitress
Are you an early bird, a night owl, or somewhere between? Night owl
What is a trait or a skill that you appreciate in others? Honesty
What was something you got in trouble for as a kid? Writing dirty words on the sidwalk in front of the Principal's house
Who would you say you have learned the most ‘life lessons’ from? My Parents
Do you like the weather/climate of where you live? No
What languages do you speak? What languages do you wish you knew, or would like to learn? I wish I could speak Italian
How do you like to spend your free time? Computer and family
Tell us about a possession of yours that has sentimental value to you. I have some of my Mother's clothes and Jewlry after she passed away.
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 03:30 PM
07/09/08 03:30 PM
Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 11,797 Pennsylvania

Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 11,797
Do you have any pets? If so, what kind, and what are their names? A shih-tzu, named Coco. Who’s your favorite musician (singer or otherwise)? Bruce Springsteen What song would you most like to perform, or what band would you most like to perform with? (ignoring factors of embarrassment or lack of talent, which would stand in my way…haha)Maybe something by Buddy Holly. I don't sing well. If you had a time machine, what time in your life would you travel back to? Would you change something, or want to relive something? I would like to relive a carefree summer when I was 12. If you had a time machine (assuming you’re still in the Twilight Zone for the moment), what time period before your lifetime would you travel to? Would you rather have lived during that time, or would you just want to “visit” it? Like SC, I always was fascinated by the late 18th, early 19th century. I would also love to see the early days of baseball when Cobb, Walter Johnson and Matthewson played. What is your favorite time of the day? Early evening What is your favorite time of the year (month or season)? October. Are you still living in the same place you were born? If not, how many different places have you lived? I've lived in about a dozen different places. What is your favorite genre of movies? Probably drama. Who is your favorite author/writer (books, newspaper journalists, etc.)? James Joyce and John Steinbeck What is your favorite set of colors, ones that you like together? Definitely, black and gold. Go Steelers. As a kid, did you enjoy school, deal with it, or hate it? Probably all three at different times. Mostly, I dealt with it. Which year of school did you enjoy most? Senior year in college. What animal are you most afraid of? None really. What is your dream car? I never loved cars, or felt the desire to have a special one. I drive a 2003 Camry with a dented bumper and 215,000 miles on it, and enjoy it. Who do you feel closest to, that you know best and can rely on for trust and support – a family member or a friend? If a friend, how long have you know him/her? My wife. I still rely on my dad for advice. He's like a safety net for me. Who’s your favorite comedian? Is Robin Williams still considered a comedian? What was your first job? I worked for the Blind Association, and did yard work for the blind. They never complained.  Are you an early bird, a night owl, or somewhere between? Mostly a night owl, but my schedule doesn't really permit it. What is a trait or a skill that you appreciate in others? Dependability, a sense of humor. What was something you got in trouble for as a kid? I lit all the candles inside a church (got off easy); I accidentally broke an expensive vase from Italy; I was nabbed for trespass several times for swimming in a reservoir late at night. Who would you say you have learned the most ‘life lessons’ from? My father, no doubt. Do you like the weather/climate of where you live? It gets a little too cold in winter and too hot in summer, but it's okay. What languages do you speak? What languages do you wish you knew, or would like to learn? English. I wish I knew Spanish...and Italian so I could translate Santino Brasi's birthday greeting. How do you like to spend your free time? Doing this. Spending time with the family or watching sports. Tell us about a possession of yours that has sentimental value to you. Christmas ornaments that the kids made when they were little.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 03:32 PM
07/09/08 03:32 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Righty/Lefty - lefty Can you afford to lose weight - yes Fave part of your body - eyes Least fave part of your body - thighs Fave part on the opposite sex Biggest Turn-On - a lot Biggest Turn-Off - fake people Describe the perfect date - just being able to relax and be yourself Top 4 qualities you look for in the opposite sex - funny, caring, smart, sweet If someone really liked you, would you want them to tell you - sure Long distance relationship or no relationship - long distance Coke or Pepsi - both. I actually took the taste test and failed. Cars or Trucks - cars Hot or Cold - cold Pants or shorts - shorts Long sleeves or short sleeves - short sleeves What are you wearing right now - skirt and top If you could have one wish, what would it be - to have all my wishes come true What is your favorite type of music - country or pop Do you like theme parks - some of them Indoors or Outdoors - indoors 3 names you might name your son - I'm too old for more kids 3 names you might name your daughter - I have one already - Nicole How many kids do you want - That's illegal in this state T.V. or Computer - some of us can do both at the same time Do you play an instrument - no Do you speak more than one language - I barely speak one. What are your 3 favorite sports - baseball, football, basketball How many posters are on your wall - 4 Hardwood floor or carpet in your bedroom - carpet Is your room messy or tidy - tidy Do you like to burp - yup Top 5 favorite foods - pizza, spaghetti, crabcakes, chicken, steak 3 Favorite things to do at home - watch tv, clean my house, be on the computer Swimming in the ocean or a pool - pool Are you confident - no Do you like to take risks - no Favorite subject in high school - typing Clothes shopping or grocery shopping - grocery Say one extra thing about yourself - I'm done this survey
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: SC]
07/09/08 03:42 PM
07/09/08 03:42 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Nope, in the middle. I REALLY hate to admit this, but I didn't know that!!  I know about your older brother in MD. Who is younger??? Actually my younger brother (by 2 years; married, 3 kids) lives in Maryland. My older brother (by about 8 years; divorced, 2 kids) lives an hour north and works in Manhattan as a head hunter...
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: J Geoff]
07/09/08 03:44 PM
07/09/08 03:44 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902
New York
ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Nope, in the middle. I REALLY hate to admit this, but I didn't know that!!  I know about your older brother in MD. Who is younger??? Actually my younger brother (by 2 years; married, 3 kids) lives in Maryland. My older brother (by about 8 years; divorced, 2 kids) lives an hour north and works in Manhattan as a head hunter... See?? I never knew that. After all this time! 
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: SC]
07/09/08 04:02 PM
07/09/08 04:02 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066 OH, VA, KY
Mama Mig
Mama Mig

Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066
Righty/Lefty - Righty Can you afford to lose weight - yes Fave part of your body - eyes Least fave part of your body - Boobs,stomach,legs Fave part on the opposite sex -Ass Biggest Turn-On - A man with a southern accent Biggest Turn-Off - Liars Describe the perfect date - Dinner,and a walk on the beach Top 4 qualities you look for in the opposite sex - funny, caring, smart, sweet If someone really liked you, would you want them to tell you - Of course Long distance relationship or no relationship - long distance Coke or Pepsi - Pepsi Cars or Trucks - Cars Hot or Cold - Hot Pants or shorts - shorts Long sleeves or short sleeves - short sleeves What are you wearing right now - Shorts and a black Scarface tshirt If you could have one wish, what would it be - to get out of debt What is your favorite type of music - Rock, Oldies Do you like theme parks - Yep Indoors or Outdoors - Outdoors lately 3 names you might name your son - Michael,Ray,Ryan 3 names you might name your daughter - I have one already - Becky How many kids do you want - I wanted 2 but I have 3 T.V. or Computer - both Do you play an instrument - no Do you speak more than one language - Nope What are your 3 favorite sports - baseball, football sorry only two How many posters are on your wall - none Hardwood floor or carpet in your bedroom - carpet Is your room messy or tidy - tidy Do you like to burp - yup Top 5 favorite foods - pizza, spaghetti, mash potatoes, chicken, steak 3 Favorite things to do at home - watch tv, make cards, be on the computer Swimming in the ocean or a pool - both Are you confident - yes Do you like to take risks - Sometimes Favorite subject in high school - History Clothes shopping or grocery shopping - Clothes Say one extra thing about yourself - My in-laws thinks I'm nuts _________________________
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Sicilian Babe]
07/09/08 05:38 PM
07/09/08 05:38 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
 I think the only pain involved is the person on the receiving end of your wrath. "That Bridesmaid's boobs are falling out of her dress". "That ho is flirting with Mr. Babe. I might have to open a can of whoop ass".
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 05:53 PM
07/09/08 05:53 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Take this survey...........
What brand of underwear you wearing?
How often do you shave your legs (women) face (men, or warewolfs)?
How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them?
Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears?
Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else?
Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor?
Have you ever egged someones house or car?
Ever taken diet pills?
Have you been fired from a job?
Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What?
Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush?
Worst drug or substance you have used or abused?
How often do you drink alcohol?
Ever cheated on your taxes?
Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law?
Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church?
Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper?
Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar?
Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid?
Ever siphon someones gas?
Would you date an ex-con?
Have you ever stuck anything up your butt?
Are you friends with any strippers?
Ever been involved in a hit and run accident?
Have you gotten a DUI or DWI?
Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on?
Have you ever collected unemployment?
Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations?
What is the worst thing you have ever done?
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Mignon]
07/09/08 05:56 PM
07/09/08 05:56 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902 New York

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 22,902
New York
If you had a time machine, what time in your life would you travel back to? Would you change something, or want to relive something? Yes, 1988 so I could take a different street so I wouldn't get into that car wreck that almost killed me What happened there?
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 05:58 PM
07/09/08 05:58 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
Beth E

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 14,900
What brand of underwear you wearing? Victoria's secret How often do you shave your legs (women) face (men, or warewolfs)? At least twice a week How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them? Just once Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears? I guess. I'm too tired in the morning to really know. Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else? Yes Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor? I've never been married, so no Have you ever egged someones house or car? No, that's just wrong Ever taken diet pills? I've taken speed Have you been fired from a job? I think a temp job I had. I didn't go back after working there a couple weeks, so I guess they were justified.  Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What? Pens and batteries. Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush? No, I'm notl like that. Plus, they'd probably kick my ass. Worst drug or substance you have used or abused? I've only spoken pot. How often do you drink alcohol? Occassionally Ever cheated on your taxes? I think the government cheats me by taking too much Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law? No Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church? Oh Good Lawd no Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper? No, I don't like to read. Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar? My niece's bachelorette party last year. Her stripper we hired to come to the house cancelled, so we went to see gay "tweens". If you don't know what they are, don't ask. But I will say there's no g strings involved. They were nekked as a jay bird. Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid? That is just horrible!!!!111 Ever siphon someones gas? Does huffing it count? Would you date an ex-con? After living with one for 11 years I'd have to say I've had enough of them Have you ever stuck anything up your butt? NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!  Are you friends with any strippers? Not that I know Ever been involved in a hit and run accident? No Have you gotten a DUI or DWI? If I drove it would be criminal Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on? Trips Have you ever collected unemployment? No Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations? No What is the worst thing you have ever done? I guess hooking school for like 2 months total in the 7th grade was bad.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: SC]
07/09/08 06:00 PM
07/09/08 06:00 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
What brand of underwear you wearing? GAP How often do you shave your legs (women) face (men, or warewolfs)? Every 2-3 days How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them? Until they stand up on their own, a week or two  Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears? Only in the shower Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else? Yes Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor? Everyone pays, in one way or another  Have you ever egged someones house or car? No Ever taken diet pills? I've tried them Have you been fired from a job? Been laid off a few times, once didn't have my contract extended, but technically not fired Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What? Pens and paper count? Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush? Yes Worst drug or substance you have used or abused? No comment Oops, there were more:How often do you drink alcohol? It's the 4th meal of the day, isn't it?  Ever cheated on your taxes? Not intentionally Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law? No Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church? Hell no! Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper? No, but my neighbor used to steal mine so one day I put a picture inside of it of her stealing it. Never happened again.  Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar? Few months problably  Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid? No! Ever siphon someones gas? No! Would you date an ex-con? Why not? Have you ever stuck anything up your butt?  Are you friends with any strippers? Not that I know of Ever been involved in a hit and run accident? Nope Have you gotten a DUI or DWI? Thankfully no! Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on? Whores and coke. Oh, I mean uh... gadgets mostly Have you ever collected unemployment? Once, after getting laid off Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations? No... What is the worst thing you have ever done? I'm a good boy! 
Last edited by J Geoff; 07/09/08 06:09 PM.
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 06:08 PM
07/09/08 06:08 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
| we went to see gay "tweens".  You do realize that "tweens" means "pre-teens", right? 
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: SC]
07/09/08 06:08 PM
07/09/08 06:08 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066 OH, VA, KY
Mama Mig
Mama Mig

Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066
If you had a time machine, what time in your life would you travel back to? Would you change something, or want to relive something? Yes, 1988 so I could take a different street so I wouldn't get into that car wreck that almost killed me What happened there? I was going to the store to buy milk for my baby and the only thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed. I was told later that some punk ass 15 year old kid who didn't have a licence to drive hit me. I just thank God I can't remember the car accident. And I thank God I left my son with the Col cuz if I took him with me he wouldn't be alive today.
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Mignon]
07/09/08 06:10 PM
07/09/08 06:10 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 31,330
New Jersey, USA
That's horrible, Mig!! Glad it worked out!
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Mignon]
07/09/08 06:24 PM
07/09/08 06:24 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066 OH, VA, KY
Mama Mig
Mama Mig

Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 19,066
What brand of underwear you wearing? Hanes How often do you shave your legs (women) face (men, or warewolfs)? once a week How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them? sometimes twice just depends Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears? of course Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else? Yes Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor? nope Have you ever egged someones house or car? No but I've toilet papered someones house Ever taken diet pills? I've tried them Have you been fired from a job? nope Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What? Pens and paper count? Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush? Yes Worst drug or substance you have used or abused? pot How often do you drink alcohol? I don't Ever cheated on your taxes? no Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law? No Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church? Hell no! But the Col. has made change  Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper? No Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar? never went Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid? No! Ever siphon someones gas? No! Would you date an ex-con? maybe when I divorce the Col. Have you ever stuck anything up your butt? no coment Are you friends with any strippers? don't know any Ever been involved in a hit and run accident? Nope Have you gotten a DUI or DWI? Thankfully no! Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on? junk Have you ever collected unemployment? Once, after getting laid off Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations? No What is the worst thing you have ever done? I helped a friend steal tires off of someones car.
Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12
Re: Getting to know you...
[Re: Beth E]
07/09/08 06:33 PM
07/09/08 06:33 PM
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 8,389 Staten Island / New Jersey
Just Lou

Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 8,389
Staten Island / New Jersey
1 Are You Single? No 2 If not, how Long Have You Been Together? 3+ YEARS 3 If You're Single, Do you Like It? N/A 4 Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? NO 5 First Kiss 14 Y/O (MY BEST FRIEND'S SISTER) 6 Ever Kiss in the Rain? YES 7 In a Movie Theater? YES 8 Underwater? NO 9 First Love MY FIRST WIFE 10 Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? YES 11 Been Cheated on? YES 12 Used Someone? NO 13 Been used? YES 14 Lied to your bf/gf? YES 15 Ever Made out With Just a Friend? YES 16 Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? YES 17 Are You a Tease? NO 18 Do you Flirt a Lot? NO 19 Longest Relationship? 6 YEARS 20 Shortest? 1 NIGHT 21 Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? YES 22 Ever Get Flowers? YES 23 Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten? FLAT SCREEN MONITOR  24 Do you Like Valentine's Day? NOT REALLY 25 Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? YES 26 Do you Fall in Love Fast? NO 27 Are you a Player? NO 28 Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? HELL NO 29 Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? YES 30 Kissed 2 People At One Time? YES 31 Had Sex with 2 People in One day? YES 32 Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? YES 33 Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? YES 34 Ever Been Dumped? YES 35 Ever dumped someone? YES 36 Ever been rejected? YES 37 Do you have a lot of ex's? WHAT'S A LOT? 38 Are you a slut? NO 39 Ever been called one? NO 40 Do you ever make the first move? YES 41 Double dates or single? SINGLE 42 Do you want to get married N/A