What with all the darn rain hovering over my boys (and apparently jinxing them at the same time, as I choose to see it), it got me wondering how things have changed in this game regarding rainouts and doubleheaders when it's the weekly edition. I suppose there's no real way to catch the benefit of a DH unless the night it's rained out is the night you're setting it for the week, right? But even then, I realized it might not be worth it to take a team's pitching or certain players just for a DH, if they're not good enough to make it worth it for the week, huh?

So I guess what I'm getting at is, dare I say it, does this not have much of any effect on the game now?? Or am I missing something? I was looking back at a few of Plaw's posts - in politics, not even sports - and I ended up trying to analyze like him. I never do well when I over-think. lol