I've got something to say. I have been excited about this for a couple weeks now BUT I also feel a little guilty.
Ok, next month is my birthday (No, I don't want any acknowledgement) and for about two months now both my daughters have been saying that I'm gonna just "love" what they are getting me. The only hint they gave me was to dress comfortably. I was baffled.
Well, the other day my daughter was over my house, wanted to check her e-mail, so she got on my computer and did so. She has a Yahoo address as I do. She checked, we talked, she left.
When I went to check my e-mail later that day, I see she forgot to logout of hers and her message page was open. Not only that, but I see one is from Blockbuster. She wasn't going to any concert/play or whatever that I knew of and was curious. Dun da da dun (Dragnet). I cheated!!! I opened the e-mail It was just a quick impulse.
Both my daughters bought 3 tickets to see Rod Stewart (whom they know I have always loved) at the Pond in Anaheim. I am not only thrilled to death to see the concert, BUT really touched that they'd spend the money for two extra tickets for themselves to see someone, not from their era and although they do not hate him, they never understood why I liked his raspy voice.
So, every now and then the mention it with that gleam in their eyes telling me that they are so pleased they did this, and I play dumb. Am I bad?????? Should I continue to play dumb or fess up?
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK