
3 hour commute? Each way? Damn! I thought my commute at 50/60 minutes was a lot. Geez, that's another day's work just driving. eek

Who is the last person who hit you? Don't remember, other than maybe someone accidently bumping into me, I imagine I was a kid who got a spanking.

What food would you never eat, even if your life depended on it?

Hmm. That's hard. I don't care for Mexican food, but I'd eat it if my life depended on it. If you're talking like, chocoloate covered ants and such...that would make be think.

What song do you want/was played at your wedding?

Ha ha ha...I don't know, but good chance it was some kind of Polka. lol

What are your favorite comfort foods?

Steak (any kind). Chocolate candy bar (Mr. Goodbar, Hersheys w/almonds)

What song do you want played at your funeral?

"You Can't Always Get What You Want"

What is your favorite restaurant?

I'm not exremely picky. Anywhere I can get a good steak

What's the last law you have broken?

Two years ago, I got a ticket (improper left turn) frown

How long is your commute to and from work?

50 to 60 minutes

What would be the title of your autobiography?

"I Will Survive"

When was the last time you cried yourself to sleep?

late 1980's I guess

Name 3 things you can't live without.

My Children, love and the BB of course tongue

Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?(however, at one point in my life I may have done it for free)


Are you for or against gay marraige?

Don't know

How do you want to die?

Hopefully without pain and quickly

Would you take a bullet for the one you love?


What would you do if this website ever closed?

I'd fly down to Jersey, grab Geoff by the shirt, slap each side of his face and say "be a man"; kick his ass and say, "WTF you think you're doing?" lol

What would you do if your favorite celebrity came to visit you?

Well,there are a couple I wouldn't mind a visit from (that's gonna happen) ohwell I'd be happy as a pig in shit that's for sure.

Would you sell your soul to the devil if you could have everything you wanted for the rest of your life?



"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon