Have you ever dated someone with radically different religious views than you? Probably not.
What's the worst way to break up with someone:

email (of the choices given).

Would you marry someone you only knew for one month. No

Best gift:

dinner and a movie (of the choices given).

What would make your day go by better:
sex in the morning

Do you believe in karma? No

Have you ever given money to a homeless person? Yes

What is your favorite invention: Printing press

Would you rather marry for love or money? love

Are you a pushover? Sometimes. Always with my daughter.

What would you rather do this summer:

travel with family

In general, which gender has the biggest sex drive? Male

If you weren't popular in high school, did adulthood change things? Huh?

Are children on an airplane a problem for you? No

Do you keep a do to list? No

Have you ever lost a loved one or friendship because of your pride? No

If you're really drunk at a party, who do you most want to run into? Friends

Which emotion do you feel most:


Have you ever had sex where food was involved? No

When you sleep or you an unmovable log or do you toss and turn? Toss and turn

Were you ever naked in front of someone other than your sexual partner? Yes