Originally Posted By: J Geoff

I waited weeks to receive National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) from NetFlix -- I liked the first one, and like movies like this in general. But WTF? By halfway thru it seemed to fall into a shroud of bullshit and sub-par Indiana Jones shit... What was that about?? ohwell

Umm, wasn't both movies sub-par Indy Jones shit?*

And really, wasn't that "Roman/Greek/Egyptian" Mason treasure pretty much "a shroud of bullshit" as well?

*=Not that necessarily is a bad thing, those NATIONAL TREASURE pictures are what they are....which to me is going through the motions but lack anything interesting beyond being inspired by the (equal stupidity) of the DA VINCI CODE. Plus, Nic Cage as a scholar? What a laugh...:D