I was a little surprised the other day to hear Vincent Bugliosi say in an interview that Susan Atkins should be released, since she is after all bedridden and dying anyway. The interviewer actually bordered on getting into an argument with Bugliosi, who maintained compassion for Atkin's medical condition despite her LACK of compassion while committing the murders as a young, drug induced, brainwashed Manson girl.

I would think at this point her release would be more for her family's sake than hers, since she's got absolutely nothing to gain at this point anyway. Doctors have apparently given her only about 2 months to live so she would either be in a hospital or home w/ hospice care for the remainder of her days. Either way, she'll have a much more peaceful end than her victims were given.

In the end if it were put to a vote, I would opt for the wishes of the families of Sharon Tate and the other, less famous victims.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.