Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Enzo Scifo
Yeah, cause in the old days they weren't playing for a living, it was rivalry that bought food for their families. wink

It'd behoove you to read up on the history of baseball before making a reply like that. In the older days, team owners "owned" the players. The players couldn't move around from team to team as they do today. Whether they liked it or not, the players had an allegiance to their team that is not seen today.

What Enzo said might be a little true though, right? I mean players have always played for money, but the difference is that today if a player gets hurt they still get paid a lot of money. Plus with modern medicine players don't have to worry if they can come back and play again.

I can understand why there would have been more of a rivalry in a sport like baseball back then because if a pitcher hit a batter he was possibly taking the batter out of the game and there goes his small source of income. So the batter would get extra mad and fights would start up because he was basically defending his job.

I don't know if that's true, but it would seem to make sense. I guess I'm still trying to find out how rivalries started and if it is possible for new heated rivalries to begin in today's sports market.

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