Thanks, Geoff! I'm sitting here trying to decide which looks better, Yankeean v. Yankeian, and I think I like 'Yankeian' more. lol

No, we did NOT end up on TV!! We were sitting high up, but I know the cameras could've found us. What my friend and I have decided is that we need to wear blonde wigs and talk on our cell phones, because I swear, those are the only people they show on the TV broadcasts. (Me, bitter? whistle )

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Foolish would be if I held up that poster at a Giants game.
You should!! To be safe, you could put on the back what my friend jokingly added to the back of ours at the end: a question mark. Comeback starts...? haha

And we had the phrase on two posters, one saying "Comeback starts..." and one saying "NOW!!", so we figured the "NOW!!" could go for anything. Strike him out...NOW!! Hit a double...NOW!! Stop losing...NOW!!