Below is the link for part of the Hersheypark telecast from the CW11 Morning Show in New York. If you freeze the video at 16 seconds, you can see my daughter over the right shoulder of the boy who caught the hat. The blonde girl on the left is one of her friends. The video gives a good sense of the roller coaster that has a 97 degree drop. Of course, I guess you have to ride it. I haven't. Roller coasters tend to make me nauseous anymore.,0,2442462.htmlstory

Madi and 3 of her friends, who slept over last night were up at 4. We got to the park at 5:30 this morning. There's something surreal about walking through a large amusement park at that time in the dark with nobody around.

Anyway, she and her friends got to ride Farenheit 15 times between 6-9. The park also let everyone, who showed up early for the telecast, to enterthe park for free when it opened at 10. The girls went back, but were exhausted by 2 PM, so we came home. They had a great time and a full day