The Summer Olympics is coming in a few days. I don't know about all of you, but I always look forward to the Olympics every two years (more so summer than winter). I love seeing medal counts, upsets, and world-record breaking performances. It's clear that the Olympics has lost its luster in the last decade or so, but I like the made-for-TV feel good stories that come along with the games, so I always end up getting sucked in.

What events, if any, are you looking forward to? For me, its taekwondo. As some of you know, I was competitive in my younger days and one of my acquaintances - Steven Lopez - will be going for his third gold medal. He's been described as the Michael Jordan of taekwondo - he hasn't lost in the last eight years. What makes the story more interesting is that his two younger siblings will be joining him in Beijing, marking the first time since the early 1900's that three siblings have been on the same Olympic team. Their eldest brother is also the national coach. I'll be rooting for them to make history.