I'm sure when you first watched the GF you never imagined it'd become the basis for a site that you would start, on a new tecnology forum known as the
Just for fun:

I may need others' input here as my memory isn't the best...
1. Approximately, how many of the 5,000 members would you guess you've banned throughout the years. I'm sure the number is very small.The number is bigger than I thought (135), BUT, many of those aren't "banned" as much as just "turned off", or duplicate sign-ups, etc. Very few have actually been banned for disciplinary reasons... tho I have a feeling that might change soon.
2. What was the worse thing that a member has done to get banned. (although, it might give some people ideas) 
Exactly! But basically for being obnoxious and not listening. (hint!)
3.On an average,how many members actually report offensive posts to you, say....per year (I'm guessing not many)What's with all the math you're making me do? I'm not about to count all my emails, but you're right, it's not really that many. Often it's just mod-to-mod saying "check this out." I REALLY wish people would use the feature more often when they see objectionable content so we can take care of it in a more timely manner.
4. Any strange requests from members past or present?Strange members bring strange requests.

I've had newbies ask to become moderators a couple days in. That's pretty strange! lol
5. The funniest/weirdess board name any member past or present has chosen????I remember someone who called himself "Intelligence", but misspelled it.
6. Did you really ever think the BB would ever get this big? You know, bigger than U.S. Seel?????? 
I actually thought it'd be bigger than this by now. And certainly more active than it has been lately. Part of it could be Summertime activities, but also I've been dismayed by the slowing down of posts from some long-time members for some obvious, unfortunate reasons (that I plan to address now as the issues arise so we don't lose any more!)
So, will this be published in the LA Times?