I didn't see this mentioned here and I don't know how many political "geeks" there are on the BB,

but......Obama's website is sending it's member's an e-mail with the chance to hear via text message on your cell phone who his VP choice will be. (you can hear via e-mail too) How cool is that?

Granted, it may leak out before that, but supposedly, he will do it via text message/e-mail to the site's members just before he announces it. What an original concept. Anyway, I think it's really neat.
It is a good idea, TIS. If you think about it, it's almost a veiled swipe at McCain for being an out of touch "old man," being that Obama's people thought of it first. It's like they're saying, Hey, step into the 21st century. I mean, think about it, do you know many people in their 70's who even know what a text message is? Hell, most of them don't even know how to email.
Don't get me wrong, that alone wouldn't be a good enough reason to vote for anyone, but it's just another example of Obama being more "hip" than McCain.
Speaking of McCain. I think he's going to pick Ridge, and I have to admit, that's not a bad ticket. I also have to admit that I would have voted for that tandem had McCain gotten the nomination over Bush back in 2000.
I also think this situation with Russia and Georgia is going to give Mccain a boost; for how long is anyone's guess.
For the first time, I really think it's going to be a tight race. Obama has to start talking about more than just "change" right now. Mark Penn (Hillary's boy) recently remarked that, "just a 5 point swing can turn an Obama victory into a McCain landslide." Granted, it was a jealous, stupid thing to say, due to his very public chuminess with Hillary, but it's probably not too far from the truth.