Originally Posted By: Irishman12
They still have a shot at the wild card

No, they don't. Seriously, pack it in this year. This team not only doesn't want it, it would be ridiculous to think we could even compete right now with Boston, Tampa, or the White Sox.

Although I still find it hilarious that on most blogs and sports news, the biggest concern/complaint is that our #9 hitter is terrible. Seriously? I mean, Melky Cabrera is the entire reason this team fails? Really? Are you guys watching the same games I am?

Look at it this way. Hank's going to open up the warchest and go for Sabathia and another FA pitcher. Teixiera has already said he's going to opt for FA (he's a Boras client after all). Manny wants to come to the Yanks, as per his own lips. Hopefully Jeter rebounds a bit, Posada will be pseudo-healthy (who's an idiot now for being against the 4-year-deal? I took so much heat for wanting to let Posada go). Matsui or Damon can be moved to free up space. Abreu will be gone, hopefully declining arbitration, netting us two draft picks. Similarly, we'll offer Pudge arbitration, which he won't accept since Posada will take back the starting role. Hopefully Nady has matured into the player people hoped he'd be when he was a Mets farmhand.

Unfortunately, we still have A-Rod...I heard the best idea the other day, in regards to replacing Bobby Meachem @ third base:

"Why not replace Meachem with Madonna? She waves everybody home."

Not a bad idea.